Bear Each Other's Burdens

If we are being honest, lately it seems like I have been overwhelmed with a lot of other people’s burdens.  I know The Word calls us to carry each other’s burdens, but it just seems like it has been a lot lately.  One thing I have learned and have really been challenged with is to focus on outward rather than inward.  It is so easy to go through life, always focussing on yourself, where you pass by others who are struggling.  This applies in any circumstance, even with your phones.  You could be so busy looking at social media while walking to class, that you miss an opportunity to say hi to someone, or even see a deer passing by (true story).  You never know what people are dealing with around you.  I have been challenged, and am challenging you guys to take time in each of your days to pay attention and care for other people.  Even if it just buying someone a cup of coffee, or taking a few minutes to encourage them, I know it will make a difference.  

    Along side of this, if you are struggling with something in the dark, I really REALLY challenge you to open up to someone about it.  It doesn’t have to be in a big way, or to anyone in particular, just someone you trust, and know will lift you up in these areas.  Refuse to live life alone.  I can’t stress that enough.  We talked about it in class today.  When you live in darkness, your sins and struggles continue to grow, because you have no one to talk to about them and someone to speak truth to you about them.  Even though shining a light on whatever it is will be hard (trust me, I know) it is crucial for growth and getting out of your trial.  Like I said before, we are called to carry each other’s burdens anyways.  

    The moral of the story is this, no matter how much you say you know someone, they could be going through stuff. Always be kind to people because, who knows, they could be struggling with something.