Life Lately, in Bullet Points

     I have been so bad about updated my blog weekly, and I want to get better at it. I find it hard to make time to sit down and write out elaborate posts on my life and everything going on, so I think I am just going to make it simple.  We're all people of simplicity, right?  These are just a few things going on in my life, and things that I have been enjoying lately!

1. For the month of November, Elaine and I are listening to only worship music and staying off of social media.  Ya'll, this has been so freeing, honestly! I didn't realize how much music influenced me, and rap being my go-to jams, I fill my mind lyrics that aren't the best.  BUT, listening to music that gives praise to The Lord has changed my mind set.  We are only 6 days in, but I can already tell a difference in my days!!  

2. Okay, I know Thanksgiving hasn't passed yet, but Christmas lights are already starting to pop up in Fayetteville, and I could not be MORE EXCITED!!!

3. I am almost done with my first semester of college, and it feels soooo weird.  I still laugh at the fact that I am in school because my stubborn self was convinced that "college was not for me." 

4. This last weekend, I went to Tulsa and got to meet up with some of my friends from home!  It was so fun to get coffee and catch up, and also explore Tulsa! I had no clue that town was so trendy. 

5.  Speaking of the weekend, JBU had their first home basketball game!!  If you don't know, on their first home game, when the first bucket is made for the team, everyone toilet papers the court and it is overwhelmingly cool (go look it up).  I got to cheer on a few of my besties on the team, and we walked out with a big win, so it was extra exciting!

6. The leaves in Fayetteville right now are neon orange and yellow and red and it is just the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.  I love fall with all my heart, so I have been going on drives almost every day so I can stand in awe of how beautiful the trees are!

7. My mentor and I are going through the book of Hosea in depth right now.  The comparison of Hosea and Gomer to Christ and the Church will forever mess me up (in the most amazing way).  If you haven't read the story of Hosea before, please do yourself a favor and read it. Then you can call me and we can talk about it!!!!

8. STRANGER THINGS SEASON 2 - do I need to say anything else?? 

9.  Although Halloween was a little bit ago, I'm still proud of my costume. If you have seen Stranger Things, you will understand. I went as the wall....scroll down and you'll see pics! 

10. Last night, some friends and I decided to drive to Tulsa for the Bleachers concert and we have NO REGRETS.  Wow, that was one of the best shows I have seen in a really long time.

11.  Lastly, is anyone else counting down the days until Thanksgiving break?  I am so ready, ya'll.  I miss my family and my dogs and am ready to eat my weight in turkey and rolls.  



Tulsa with old friends


Halloween as the wall in Stranger Things


Bestie and I after killing it in the JBU game


A tree outside my window embracing it's colors




Blurry Squad at the Bleachers Concert