Jumbled Thoughts

     For some reason, words are extremely hard for me right now.  I can’t seem to get a single organized thought together long enough to sit down and write it all out for a blog.  So instead, I’m gonna just share a whole bunch of “life lately” things such as random thoughts in my head, things that have been going on, and words that The Lord has been teaching me lately. These don’t go together in the slightest, but hopefully it will make sense (& if it doesn’t, don’t tell me but instead just go along with it).  Welcome inside my little ADHD brain of mine.

  1. There is so much to learn from humanity.  Every person around you has so much to offer - listen to them, experience life with them and you will learn something knew.  You don’t have to have anything in common with someone to grow from being with them.  That’s something society preaches to us and I’m just over it.  We are told through movies to group up.  The nerds hang with the nerds.  The jocks play sports with other jocks.  The misfits sit with the misfits.  This is so wrong and frankly, it makes me angry.  If our world was supposed to be like that, God would have separated us.  His intention is for us to love each other, sharing similarities or not.  I love hanging out with people I don’t share anything in common with.  It’s fun!  I’m challenged to do things I would originally have never thought to do or wanted without them. When you step out of your “norm” you step into an area of unknown where you can be stretched.  Differences are beautiful (this is my inner 4 coming out).  They make you uniquely you, and your neighbor uniquely them.  Go hang out with someone different and ask them questions.  Be intentional with getting to understand them.  I promise you that your eyes will be opened to new insights and it will be epic!

  2. It’s okay to make mistakes.  No, really, it’s okay!!!  I didn’t realize how much of a perfectionist I had become until recently when I decided to move back to Dallas and instantly realized I actually need to still be in Fayetteville.  Was this a mistake? I still don’t know, but hey, God is using this for something either way.  His grace is extended through all mishaps and mistakes.

  3. Going along with number 2 (kind of) - I’m actually moving back to Fayetteville, AR!!  You probably didn’t even know I left, but yeah, I left, and about a week after, I realized that I needed/wanted to be in Arkansas.  My life tends to pan out like this a lot, and I’m learning to just go with it.  I could worry about what people will think about me coming back so fast but there is no point in that. I can’t control people’s opinions of me.  So yeah, anyways, I’m going back and I am going to finish college at University of Arkansas (woo freaking pig) and then who knows what after!

Okay well these are all the thoughts I could gather quick enough to type. I will share more details on moving back up to Fayetteville soon so stay tuned! Or don’t! Either way, you are a stellar human ,whoever you are, and I am thankful you exist on this earth!