A Letter to my Doubting Self

Dear Doubting Self,

     Our God does the impossible.  He turns our doubt into doing, our fear into faith, our weakness into strength.  Those thoughts that pop into your head, He turns them into prayers.  The Lord sees your greatest concerns, and cries out to you to trust Him, over your anxieties.  He knows His path for you, you don’t need to fret.  He knows who you are inside, no need to be insecure.  Even on your worst days, He can turn them into good.  God creates purpose from every disaster.  He designs beauty in every flaw. He knows our next moves, our next steps, even when we can’t see our path.  

     You weren't intended to know what is next, You were intended to have faith in God’s steps.  You weren't made to be insecure, you were made to bloom in His design.  If you knew every thing about your future, every next move and how it would turn out, you couldn’t have faith.  Faith is in the unknown, the fog.  It is times of trial and times of doubt that God asks you to trust.  In season where life is going great, you loose sight of what it looks like to truly lean on God, but when these months or even years come up of unknown, you have two choices: 1. try to take matters into your own hands and watch them crumble or 2. let go and let God have control and watch it flourish.  He hasn’t failed you yet, so why do you constantly doubt Him?  His path is way cooler than yours, anyway, don’t you want that?  

     I leave you with this - unknown will always be around, it’s what you do with that unknown that is critical to your future.  

