New Adventures

    Wow, its been actually a long time since Ive posted here.  Lots has happened since my latest blog, so I am excited to share all about these with you!  I’m just going to spend a few minutes and explain the exciting adventures I have been on in the past few weeks, since I skipped last week.  So I have travelled back and forth to Fayetteville probably four times now in the last two weeks.  I can’t complain because they have all been for awesome reasons.  Last week, I got to meet and hang out with a band called Judah & The Lion, and this week got to attempt to see Penny & Sparrow in concert (sadly it didn’t happen due to timing).  I spent my last weekend in Chicago visiting some friends of mine and seeing the famous Bean in the heart of the city.  I travelled there with Thayne and Lexi Simmons, and we had the grandest time.  Road trips are easily my favorite things to do because your forced to be with the same people for a period of time, which causes y'all to grow closer and gain more memories together.  It was a perfect weekend.  

    Enough of my highlight reals for my life, its not all super adventurous, I promise.  This week, Adam Donyes spoke to us in class and we went over pretty much everything known to man.  First we did our My Majors quiz to see the best fit for us, then we took a characteristics quiz and I found out I resemble an Otter.  We also talked about moving on from Link Year. Today in class he played a video that was an analogy to letting go of what this year is and moving on to the next “vine” in life.  It really hit home for me because I lately have been feeling like I don’t know where I am supposed to step out onto next.  I truly don’t feel like college is for me, which is okay, but I don’t know where else I am supposed to step onto in the future.  

    Psalm 119:105 states, “Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” This verse seems to be what I am holding onto as Link Year soon ends.  Its cool because God only shows you a little bit of the next step, He doesn't show you the whole picture, but only what you can handle for now.  We are called to follow and He will keep providing.  As I have been following His path for me, He recently showed me my next adventure. I will officially be staying at Link Year another year as a Protege and an intern for the staff! I have been praying through this all year basically, and God recently has opened the door.  I am SO excited and cannot wait to see how He uses me with the 2017 class.  HE is so faithful and knows where you are going and where you will end up, but our goal isn't to know it all, but to be faithfulin what we do know.  I hope everyone has a great week and is pursuing The Lord whole heartedly! God bless!