The Little Boy

May 4, 2012

    "There was this little boy at church one time.  He was standing next to his father during worship the whole time, but kept getting distracted.  He kept loosing focus, and at one point he wandered off.  He thought he had lost his father.  He was searching frantically, but could only see people’s legs, because he was so little.  He finally figured out that the only way he would be able to find his dad was by looking up.  So he looked up, and sure enough, his dad was standing right by him still.  The boy had just lost sight of him, but yet the dad was still by him.  He was so happy to see his daddy again; he clung to his side the entire end of the time during worship.  

     This is how we are so many times.  We are standing by Christ, trying to be like Christ, then we get distracted by the world.  At first it can be little things that catch us off guard…but sometimes it can cause us to drift away for a little bit.  We wander into the world because we are curious what else there is to offer.  We want to see what its like to be a normal teenager, to party, have a boyfriend, or even just be independent for a while. That doesn't last long though.  Just like the boy, he wandered for a little bit, but soon after started to search for his father again.  We can wander for a little, but we are going to keep searching for the real and true thing - our Lord and Savior.  We will look for things on this earth to find, but realize it does not help us; we must look up to higher things to see where Our Father is.  But just like the little boy’s dad, our Heavenly Father will never leave us.  He is right by our side, even in our wandering." 

     I was reading in my old journal the other day and found this entry I had written.  I wrote it over 4 years ago, and yet it applied to me heavily today.  I am searching.  I didn’t realize I had been searching, but this hit me like a freight train.  It is so easy to get caught up in the world, and honestly, after having such a Christ filled year, I think I had just assumed that I could take a quick little break.  Without admitting it to myself (until right now) I had been looking for worldly things. I hadn't totally drifted away yet (thank Jesus!!), but often caught myself distracted by other things.  We all go through this at times, but you never really realize it until after. Christ is all that I need, and anything that I try to put my identity in of this world, will not last.  It may fill me up for a little bit, but never enough to keep my glass full.  Same for you, even if you don't realize it right now - He is the only that truly lasts.  Only Christ, the Living Water, can fill you and keep you full, to pour back into others.  I know I need to be filled up by Christ and absolutely nothing else.  So, I am declaring that over my life, and re-setting my focus on Him.